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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 170.
  1. Cyber-AG-RSML – Cyberagentur: Robustes und Sicheres Machine Learning

    Cyber-AG-RSML – Cyberagentur: Robustes und Sicheres Machine Learning

    Forschung und Entwicklung von Ansätzen hinsichtlich robustem und sicherem Machine Learning für sicherheits- und verteidigungsrelevante Einsatzsysteme

  2. MARVIN – Development of AI-based Screening Tool to detect Identical Urine Samples within the Athlete Biological Passport

    MARVIN – Development of AI-based Screening Tool to detect Identical Urine Samples within the Athlete Biological Passport

    MARVIN aims to enhance anti-doping measures by developing an advanced AI-based tool for detecting identical steroid profiles in athletes. The project …

  3. DACE – Datenkompetenzzentrum Circular Economy
  4. DataNord - MRI4ALL – Research Academy Projekt MRI4AII des Interdisziplinären Datenkompetenzzentrums für die Region Bremen - DataNord; Teilvorhaben:

    DataNord - MRI4ALL – Research Academy Projekt MRI4AII des Interdisziplinären Datenkompetenzzentrums für die Region Bremen - DataNord; Teilvorhaben:

    In close cooperation within the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA) and with other partners, the University of Bremen is establishing a data competence …

  5. FedWell – Life-Long Federated User and Mental Modeling for Health and Well-being

    FedWell – Life-Long Federated User and Mental Modeling for Health and Well-being

    Adaptive and personalized AI systems in healthcare and well-being rely on information about users and usage situations to provide the best possible …

  6. ForeSightNEXT – Platform for data, artificial intelligence and services in the smart living ecosystem

    ForeSightNEXT – Platform for data, artificial intelligence and services in the smart living ecosystem

    ForeSightNEXT is the lead project of the "SmartLivingNEXT" technology program funded by the BMWK and is developing the technological and economic …

  7. APONA – Assistenzsystem zur Prozessoptimierung in der Notaufnahme

    APONA – Assistenzsystem zur Prozessoptimierung in der Notaufnahme

    Das APONA-Projekt stellt eine innovative Antwort auf das wachsende Problem der Überlastung in den Notaufnahmen deutscher Krankenhäuser dar. Angesichts …

  8. AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0 – AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0 is an interdisciplinary CATALPA project

    AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0 – AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0 is an interdisciplinary CATALPA project

    When searching for a term paper topic in the Bachelor's program, many students need assistance. Thereby stands out that recurring questions and …

  9. HealthyW8 – Empowering healthy lifestyle behaviour through personalised intervention portfolios to prevent and control obesity during vulnerable stages of life

    HealthyW8 – Empowering healthy lifestyle behaviour through personalised intervention portfolios to prevent and control obesity during vulnerable stages of life

    Over 30% of EU citizens at vulnerable stages and situations in life are at increased risk to transgress from healthy weight to overweight and further …

  10. news-polygraph – Privacy, transparency, bias-free, trustworthy multimodal disinformation fighting

    news-polygraph – Privacy, transparency, bias-free, trustworthy multimodal disinformation fighting

    In the news-polygraph project, we are developing digital methods for the media industry, with the help of which multimedia content can be checked more …