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AI: Job killer or driver?

| Knowledge & Business Intelligence | Human-Machine Interaction | Marine Perception | Osnabrück / Oldenburg

Pro and Con Debate with Dr. Frederic Stahl from 19 September 2023.

© DFKI, Richard Kachel
Took the pro part in the discussion about AI in the world of work: Dr Frederic Theodor Stahl.

Artificial intelligence is going to change the world of work. Dr. Frederic Stahl, acting head of the research department Marine Perception, and Dorothee Koch, DGB regional director Oldenburg-Ostfriesland, discuss the opportunities and risks.

The interview appeared in the first issue of the new newsletter of the City of Oldenburg's Economic Development Department as well as in the printed magazine.

Newsletter der Wirtschaftsförderung
Magazin der Wirtschaftsförderung

Press contact:

Simone Wiegand

Communications & Media , Niedersachsen