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Participants wanted for online survey: Design the smart home of the future with us now!

| Press release | Smart Home & Assisted Living | Smart Enterprise Engineering | Osnabrück / Oldenburg

In order to promote the development of innovations in the smart living sector, the ForeSight project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), is developing an open platform that provides and tests cross-industry and cross-trade technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI). The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Strategion GmbH have identified the necessary requirements in the "Smart Service Readiness" study. Part of this study is an online survey published today, for which participants are looked for.

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Innovative technologies open up entirely new possibilities for the living of tomorrow: from the intelligent „doorman“, who only gives authorized people access to the building, to the refrigerator, which takes care of ordering missing food, to the smart energy management, which optimizes the energy consumption based on the behavior of the residents. In order to make the home of the future even safer, more comfortable and more energy-efficient, several companies, associations and research institutes are cooperating in the ForeSight project. The aim is an open platform that brings together existing and new AI technologies for the smart living area. This is intended to create a new, unifying ecosystem for the stakeholders of different industries, while at the same time helping to overcome current problems in the use of components from different manufacturers.

The "Smart Service Readiness" study, which is carried out by the Smart Service Engineering (SEE) research department at DFKI in cooperation with Strategion GmbH, is meant to identify the specific requirements for the development of innovative technologies. Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas, head of the SEE research area: "The smart living market offers enormous potential for growth and many forms of added value for consumers, especially through the use of artificial intelligence. The corresponding services and digital business models can only be realized in the interaction of different technical components and stakeholders. The 'Smart Service Readiness' study investigates the smart living ecosystem from different perspectives and promises exciting insights into an emerging industry.”

Part of the study is an online survey that gives all interested parties the opportunity to help design the smart home of the future, addressing both consumers and businesses. The survey collects information on the status quo and trends in the smart living market on the one hand and asks about individual needs and wishes for the development of smart living offers on the other. As a reward for the participation, which is of course anonymous, there is a chance to win an iPad Air.

Link to the website of the ForeSight platform: