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Scientific Excellence

  1. [Translate to English:]

    DFKI ist Partner in Health.AI

    Health.AI Saar verbindet mit Gesundheit und Künstlicher Intelligenz zwei Megatrends gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung und integriert die vielfältigen …

  2. Dr. Mehran Goli and Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler awarded with Best Paper Award of FDL 2021

    At the "Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL)", which took place from 8 to 10 September 2021 hybrid, the scientists Dr. Mehran Goli and …

  3. Stefan Stiene jetzt Professor an der Hochschule Osnabrück

    Seit dem 1. September 2021 hat Dr. Stefan Stiene eine Professur für intelligente Agrarsysteme an der Hochschule Osnabrück inne. Nach über 10 Jahren …

  4. Portrait Prof. Hans Schotten

    Technological Sovereignty – Hans Schotten appointed to expert council of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

    Professor Dr. Hans Schotten has been appointed to the Council for Technological Sovereignty of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research …

  5. Martin Kay, computer linguistics pioneer, Verbmobil advisor, machine translation expert

    It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of a pioneer and intellectual trailblazer in computational linguistics, who had close ties to …

  6. AI pioneer, professor, editor: congratulations to Jörg Siekmann on his 80th birthday

    One of the most notable researchers, teachers, and managers of the German AI landscape and one of the three founding directors of DFKI can celebrate …

  7. Professor Drechsler für herausragende Promotionsbetreuung ausgezeichnet

    Bereits zum zweiten Mal hat die Universität Bremen herausragende Promotionsbetreuungen ausgezeichnet und zwei erste Preise verliehen. Einer davon ging …

  8. Daniel Lukats is the 2021 awardee for the best Master’s thesis

    Daniel Lukats has received the Bernard Rincklake Prize of Münster University of Applied Sciences, endowed with 1500 euros, for his Master's thesis. …

  9. Book publication: "Bausteine eines Managements Künstlicher Intelligenz" (Elements of Artificial Intelligence Management)

    The major challenge in managing Artificial Intelligence is to develop and operate software systems using Artificial Intelligence rather than …

  10. Oliver Zielinski appointed to AWI Board of Governors

    Professor Dr Oliver Zielinski is building a bridge in marine research between DFKI and the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and …