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News Overview

Displaying results 571 to 580 of 1387.
  1. Ansichten und Einsichten zur Wissenschaftskommunikation - Interview für "Wissenschaft kommuniziert"

    Ansichten und Einsichten zur Wissenschaftskommunikation - Interview für "Wissenschaft kommuniziert"

    Reinhard Karger, Unternehmenssprecher DFKI im Interview mit Reiner Korbmann, Büro für Wissenschafts- und Technikkommunikation

  2. KI-Campus: digital learning platform launched

    KI-Campus: digital learning platform launched

    The online learning platform for artificial intelligence AI Campus is now publicly available as a beta version with the first digital courses. Due …

  3. DFKI Installs New NVIDIA DGX A100 System for Accelerating Artificial Intelligence Research

    DFKI Installs New NVIDIA DGX A100 System for Accelerating Artificial Intelligence Research

    Kaiserslautern, 28.07.2020 – The machine learning computing center at DFKI is growing: the first NVIDIA DGX A100, a new high-performance AI system …

  4. Robots learn to understand humans – EXPECT research project launched

    Robots learn to understand humans – EXPECT research project launched

    Brain-machine interfaces measure the signals of the brain and use them to derive control commands for computers, machines or robots. The German ...

  5. Paper on Adaptive Sampling and Filtering for IoT accepted at DEBS 2020

    Paper on Adaptive Sampling and Filtering for IoT accepted at DEBS 2020

    A paper by data management systems researchers in the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) Group at TU Berlin and the Intelligent ...

  6. Presentation on “ML-based Cross-Platform Query Optimization” at ICDE 2020

    Presentation on “ML-based Cross-Platform Query Optimization” at ICDE 2020

    Dr. Zoi Kaoudi, a Sr. Researcher at TU Berlin’s DIMA Group and DFKI’s IAM Group gave a talk on “ML-based Cross-Platform Query Optimization” at the ...

  7. Obituary Prof. Dr. Michael M. Richter

    Obituary Prof. Dr. Michael M. Richter

    DFKI mourns its founding director, Prof. Dr. Michael M. Richter, who passed away a few days ago at the age of 82.

  8. Sprachdaten bilden Brücken in Krisenkommunikation

    Sprachdaten bilden Brücken in Krisenkommunikation

    „Jeśli chcesz mieć wpływ na innych ludzi, musisz najpierw porozmawiać z nimi w ich języku.“ Haben Sie das verstanden? Nein. Es sei denn, Sie …

  9. Leuchtturm-Projekt CLEVER: Die digitale Zukunft des Lernens.

    Leuchtturm-Projekt CLEVER: Die digitale Zukunft des Lernens.

    Saarbrücker Konsortium erhält Forschungsprojekt des Bundes zur Entwicklung einer innovativen Lern-Software.

    Was wie ein Traum klingt, soll jetzt ...

  10. EBDVF 2020 – Register now!

    EBDVF 2020 – Register now!

    European Big Data Value Forum, Berlin, November 3-5, 2020