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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 52.
  1. Grüne Woche 2024 - DFKI presents strawberry picking robot and AI ecosystem

    Grüne Woche 2024 - DFKI presents strawberry picking robot and AI ecosystem

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence will be presenting new technologies for agriculture in three exhibit halls at the …

  2. Digital Summit 2023: DFKI showcases robot-assisted rehabilitation and a virtual breeding garden at the Market of Digital Possibilities

    Digital Summit 2023: DFKI showcases robot-assisted rehabilitation and a virtual breeding garden at the Market of Digital Possibilities

    Under the title "Digital Transformation in Times of Change. Sustainable. Resilient. Future-oriented.", the annual Digital Summit (Digital-Gipfel) …

  3. Robert Habeck visits Bremen: DFKI and Fraunhofer IFAM present intelligent robotics for offshore applications

    Robert Habeck visits Bremen: DFKI and Fraunhofer IFAM present intelligent robotics for offshore applications

    When it comes to expanding renewable energies and protecting the environment and resources, maritime technologies play an important role. On the ...

  4. Einblick in die faszinierende Welt der KI – Noch freie Plätze beim Herbstpraktikum 2023 am DFKI Bremen

    Einblick in die faszinierende Welt der KI – Noch freie Plätze beim Herbstpraktikum 2023 am DFKI Bremen

    In der zweiten Herbstferienwoche, vom 23. bis 27. Oktober 2023, bietet das DFKI in Bremen wieder ein einwöchiges Praktikum für IT- und ...

  5. Insight into the fascinating world of AI - Places still available for the autumn internship 2023 at the DFKI Bremen

    Insight into the fascinating world of AI - Places still available for the autumn internship 2023 at the DFKI Bremen

    In the second week of the autumn holidays, from 23 to 27 October 2023, the DFKI in Bremen is once again offering a one-week internship for pupils …

  6. SCIENCE GOES PUBLIC in Bremer Kneipen: DFKI-Forschende geben Einblicke in die faszinierende Welt der Robotik
  7. Von der Reha in die Raumfahrt: DFKI präsentiert Exoskelett zur Simulation von Schwerelosigkeit auf der Digital Health Conference 2022

    Von der Reha in die Raumfahrt: DFKI präsentiert Exoskelett zur Simulation von Schwerelosigkeit auf der Digital Health Conference 2022

    Exoskelette bergen nicht nur für die medizinische Rehabilitation großes Potenzial. Auch Anwendungen in der Raumfahrt profitieren von der …

  8. Cutting-edge AI research out of Bremen continues to grow - DFKI celebrates new building with numerous guests and open laboratories

    Cutting-edge AI research out of Bremen continues to grow - DFKI celebrates new building with numerous guests and open laboratories

    More space for artificial intelligence: In the presence of numerous honorary guests from politics, industry and science, the German Research …

  9. Robotik für die Inspektion und Wartung – Einladung zum RIMA Robotics Showcase am DFKI in Bremen
  10. MINT Day 2021: DFKI Researchers present the Essentials of Physical Intelligence in Robots