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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 5 of 5.
  1. Crafting Futures: Making climate change tangible and initiating urban transformation

    Crafting Futures: Making climate change tangible and initiating urban transformation

    The ‘Crafting Futures’ research project aims to use augmented reality technology (AR) and generative AI to make it possible for everyone to directly ...

  2. Review of the "Hackathon at Interschutz"

    Review of the "Hackathon at Interschutz"

    Hacking for civil and disaster protection

  3. SPELL invites to the "Hackathon at the Ring" - Just Come!

    SPELL invites to the "Hackathon at the Ring" - Just Come!

    1-3 October 2021: The SPELL project partners invite you to the Hackathonamring at the Nürburgring.

  4. Annika Nassal ist Preisträgerin beim Bundeswettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz
  5. Smart City: Tegel Projekt agrees for Berlin TXL cooperation with DFKI and the City of Kaiserslautern

    Smart City: Tegel Projekt agrees for Berlin TXL cooperation with DFKI and the City of Kaiserslautern

    Berlin / Kaiserslautern – The city state of Berlin, represented by Tegel Projekt GmbH, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) ...