Nach fünf Jahren neigt sich das Projekt Zukunftslabor Agrar (ZLA) dem Ende zu. Forschungseinrichtungen aus Niedersachsen, darunter das DFKI, ...
The DFKI Niedersachsen is the newest DFKI location. A few weeks ago, researchers from the two Osnabrück research departments moved into a railway ...
More than one million tons of munitions dumped in the North and Baltic Seas during and after the two world wars posing a threat to both humans and …
To operate autonomously in unknown or changing environments, robots need to process huge amounts of data in a very short time. Where classical ...
After a two-year runtime, SYNAOS GmbH and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) successfully completed the satellite …
As potential locations for future base camps, the lava caves on the moon are of great interest. But how can they be reached and explored? This has ...
Osnabrück has long been considered a major player in the digitalisation of agriculture and food production. Now the three institutions consisting …
Roboter sollen möglichst autonom Altlasten sanieren sowie beim Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen und der Bergung von Gefahrstoffen unterstützen – …
Robots should perform decontamination tasks as independently as possible in environments that are hostile to humans, e.g. in the remediation of ...