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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 21.
  1. Bremen Is World Champion: B-Human Wins 2024 RoboCup World Cup

    Bremen Is World Champion: B-Human Wins 2024 RoboCup World Cup

    Robots can also play soccer – this was demonstrated in recent days at the RoboCup World Cup in Eindhoven. Team B-Human from the University of …

  2. Always one shot ahead: B-Human wins the RoboCup World Championship in Bordeaux for the tenth time

    Always one shot ahead: B-Human wins the RoboCup World Championship in Bordeaux for the tenth time

    76 goals and not a single goal conceded – this is the impressive result of the Bremen robot soccer players at RoboCup 2023, the world's largest ...

  3. Einblick in die faszinierende Welt der KI – Noch freie Plätze beim Herbstpraktikum 2023 am DFKI Bremen

    Einblick in die faszinierende Welt der KI – Noch freie Plätze beim Herbstpraktikum 2023 am DFKI Bremen

    In der zweiten Herbstferienwoche, vom 23. bis 27. Oktober 2023, bietet das DFKI in Bremen wieder ein einwöchiges Praktikum für IT- und ...

  4. Insight into the fascinating world of AI - Places still available for the autumn internship 2023 at the DFKI Bremen

    Insight into the fascinating world of AI - Places still available for the autumn internship 2023 at the DFKI Bremen

    In the second week of the autumn holidays, from 23 to 27 October 2023, the DFKI in Bremen is once again offering a one-week internship for pupils …

  5. More Players, More Goals: Reigning World Champion B-Human Wins RoboCup German Open 2023

    More Players, More Goals: Reigning World Champion B-Human Wins RoboCup German Open 2023

    Bremen’s robot soccer team has won the RoboCup German Open in Hamburg. The team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for ...

  6. Cutting-edge AI research out of Bremen continues to grow - DFKI celebrates new building with numerous guests and open laboratories

    Cutting-edge AI research out of Bremen continues to grow - DFKI celebrates new building with numerous guests and open laboratories

    More space for artificial intelligence: In the presence of numerous honorary guests from politics, industry and science, the German Research …

  7. A class of its own: B-Human wins the RoboCup World Championship 2022 in Bangkok

    A class of its own: B-Human wins the RoboCup World Championship 2022 in Bangkok

    After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the World Robotic Soccer Championship was held again for the first time – this time in Bangkok, …

  8. REHAB 2022 in Karlsruhe – DFKI research department Cyber-Physical Systems presents innovative control modalities for assistive robot arm

    REHAB 2022 in Karlsruhe – DFKI research department Cyber-Physical Systems presents innovative control modalities for assistive robot arm

    From June 23 to 26, 2022, the DFKI Cyber-Physical Systems research department will present the AdaMeKoR project (An Adaptive Multi-Component Robot ...

  9. Another triumph for B-Human: Bremen's successful team wins virtual RoboCup World Championship

    Another triumph for B-Human: Bremen's successful team wins virtual RoboCup World Championship

    For the eighth time, B-Human, the team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), succeeded …

  10. RoboCup 2021 Worldwide: B-Human nimmt an virtueller Weltmeisterschaft teil

    RoboCup 2021 Worldwide: B-Human nimmt an virtueller Weltmeisterschaft teil

    Vom 22. bis zum 28. Juni 2021 findet der RoboCup, die jährliche Weltmeisterschaft im Roboterfußball, statt. In diesem Jahr allerdings nicht in ...