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News Overview

Displaying results 21 to 30 of 90.
  1. DFKI and the German EU Council Presidency

    DFKI and the German EU Council Presidency

    DFKI projects and events in the context of the German EU Council Presidency 2020.

  2. Lübeck to become new DFKI branch office

    Lübeck to become new DFKI branch office

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence focuses on an expansion in the field of AI in medicine and medical technology.

    The German ...

  3. ROSEN Group becomes DFKI shareholder

    ROSEN Group becomes DFKI shareholder

    The ROSEN Group has acquired a company’s share of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). The acquisition documents and …

  4. DFKI corona status
  5. 5G and AI – Synergy in the Digital Age

    5G and AI – Synergy in the Digital Age

    5G is more than a fast cellular connection. 5G is a key technology in the age of digital networks. In combination with artificial intelligence, new ...

  6. Change in DFKI Management

    Change in DFKI Management

    On November 7, 2019, the DFKI Supervisory Board appointed Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger as the new DFKI CEO. Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler, the former CEO of …

  7. Establishment of SmartFactory-EU

    Establishment of SmartFactory-EU

    The signing of a pioneering agreement in Eindhoven (NL) by three renowned institutions on September 26, 2019 marked the creation of the European ...

  8. FFPA completes technical specifications to stabilize various wireless communication systems co-located in factory sites

    FFPA completes technical specifications to stabilize various wireless communication systems co-located in factory sites

    A progress toward visualization and integrated management of various information

  9. Schüler-Kunst-Wettbewerb „Unsere digitale Zukunft” – Preisträger 2019

    Schüler-Kunst-Wettbewerb „Unsere digitale Zukunft” – Preisträger 2019

    Am Freitag 6. September 2019 wurden die Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger des rheinland-pfälzischen Schüler-Kunst-Wettbewerbs nominiert. Eine ...

  10. Bessere Arbeit mit KI – Arbeitsminister Heil besucht das DFKI

    Bessere Arbeit mit KI – Arbeitsminister Heil besucht das DFKI

    Künstliche Intelligenz verändert die Arbeitswelt umfassend. Sie hat das Potential, dem Menschen als digitaler Arbeitspartner zur Seite zu stehen …