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News Overview

Displaying results 11 to 18 of 18.
  1. AI system detects SARS-CoV-2 on CT scans: DFKI presents method for image-based diagnosis of Corona

    AI system detects SARS-CoV-2 on CT scans: DFKI presents method for image-based diagnosis of Corona

    Apart from the commonly used PCR tests for the diagnosis of infections with SARS-CoV-2, the Corona virus can also be detected on computed …

  2. DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen is completed: Interactive Machine Learning research department opens in Oldenburg

    DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen is completed: Interactive Machine Learning research department opens in Oldenburg

    The DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen continues its growth: With the new, fourth research department Interactive Machine Learning (IML), Prof. …

  3. University of Oldenburg: Endowed professorship for Artificial Intelligence is filled
  4. HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    A European network, which aims to develop human-centered AI with ethical values, has been launched under the leadership of DFKI. 

  5. AI method to recognize quality of donor corneas – Project "KItatta" launched

    AI method to recognize quality of donor corneas – Project "KItatta" launched

    In Germany, more than 9,000 corneal transplantations are performed annually. Despite strict quality criteria, about 4-5% of the transplants show ...

  6. Smart clothing, mini-eyes, and a virtual twin – Artificial Intelligence at ICT 2015

    Smart clothing, mini-eyes, and a virtual twin – Artificial Intelligence at ICT 2015

    Training in intelligent clothing, a look through the smart eyes of the future, and a meeting with a virtual twin – Innovative AI-technologies from …

  7. DFKI gewinnt mit „RadSpeech“ German High Tech Award für Medizintechnik

    DFKI gewinnt mit „RadSpeech“ German High Tech Award für Medizintechnik

    Mit RadSpeech, einem semantischen multimodalen Dialogsystem für Mediziner, hat DFKI-Forscher Dr. Daniel Sonntag einen der für Medizintechnik ...

  8. Kleine Welten, große Datenmengen – DFKI bei der Saarbrücker „Woche der Naturwissenschaften“

    Dual Reality-Umgebungsmodelle: SmartCase – Die intelligente Wohnung im Koffer: Die Lichter im Bad und im Wohnzimmer sind noch an? Eine Geste auf …