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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 25.
  1. Tricking the brain: New dimensions of haptics in virtual reality

    Tricking the brain: New dimensions of haptics in virtual reality

    How can virtual reality (VR) be experienced haptically, i.e., through the sense of touch? This is one of the fundamental questions that modern VR ...

  2. Prof Kristian Kersting is a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association

    Prof Kristian Kersting is a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association

    Prof Kristian Kersting was elected a Fellow by the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA). The award recognises his outstanding ...

  3. Machine Intelligence and Human Uniqueness

    Machine Intelligence and Human Uniqueness

    Radiologists benefit from Artificial Intelligence in diagnostic support. Employees in multilingual, transnational companies are delighted with the ...

  4. Great Success at the International Conference on Computer Vision Conference, ICCV 2023

    Great Success at the International Conference on Computer Vision Conference, ICCV 2023

    The IEEE/CVF International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV) is the most important international event on computer vision.

  5. AI: Job killer or driver?

    AI: Job killer or driver?

    Pro and Con Debate with Dr. Frederic Stahl from 19 September 2023.

  6. FAZ-Digitec-Podcast: Die Deutschen haben eher Angst vor der KI – was nun, Herr Slusallek?

    FAZ-Digitec-Podcast: Die Deutschen haben eher Angst vor der KI – was nun, Herr Slusallek?

    Podcast-Sendung mit Prof. Dr. Philipp Slusallek vom 28.07.2023. Von Alexander Armbruster und Carsten Knop.

  7. Daniel Sonntag interview: Why AI in medicine lives on high-quality data

    Daniel Sonntag interview: Why AI in medicine lives on high-quality data

    Interactive Machine Learning, or IML for short, is the newest research department at the new DFKI Niedersachsen. It is headed by Prof. Dr. Daniel ...

  8. Shaping Digital Ecosystems Globally – Ten Years of "Industrie 4.0"

    Shaping Digital Ecosystems Globally – Ten Years of "Industrie 4.0"

    Article by DFKI CEO Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger in Unternehmermagazin, issue 1/2-2022.

  9. Advancing robotics research: DFKI researchers share recent scientific findings with the international robotics community
  10. Professor Wahlster accepted as foreign member of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic

    Professor Wahlster accepted as foreign member of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic

    On November 23, 2021, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster was accepted as a foreign member of the Engineering Academy of the Czech …