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Displaying results 1 to 4 of 4.
  1. Digital bait for more IT security in mechanical engineering - IUNO Insec project completed  

    Digital bait for more IT security in mechanical engineering - IUNO Insec project completed  

    According to the German IT association Bitkom, cybercriminals caused losses of 223 billion euros at German companies in 2020. That is more than …

  2. Artificial Intelligence and Time Sensitive Networking optimize Industry 4.0

    Artificial Intelligence and Time Sensitive Networking optimize Industry 4.0

    In the project “KITOS - Artificial Intelligence for TSN for Optimization and Fault Detection” scientists and engineers are working together on ...

  3. AI in Production – Project AIRPoRT promotes German-Japanese Innovations
  4. „Projekt PROWILAN: Schnell, sicher, kabellos – Funklösung der Zukunft steuert Industrie 4.0 in Echtzeit“

    „Projekt PROWILAN: Schnell, sicher, kabellos – Funklösung der Zukunft steuert Industrie 4.0 in Echtzeit“

    Durch die steigenden Anforderungen der Industrie an eine flexible und kosteneffiziente Produktion wächst das Interesse an sicheren und robusten ...