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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 3 of 3.
  1. Startup Program EXIST at DFKI — AI in vegetable gardens

    Startup Program EXIST at DFKI — AI in vegetable gardens

    In market gardens, 30 to 50 sorts of vegetables grow on half a hectare. On regular fields, there is one crop on multiple hectares. Market gardening …

  2. Funding for AI in agriculture: an overview of the new projects

    Funding for AI in agriculture: an overview of the new projects

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) is addressing key challenges in agriculture and food production with several …

  3. TreeSatAI - Artificial Intelligence with Earth Observation and Multi-Source Geodata for Infrastructure, Nature and Forest Monitoring

    TreeSatAI - Artificial Intelligence with Earth Observation and Multi-Source Geodata for Infrastructure, Nature and Forest Monitoring

    The goal of the TreeSatAI project is the development of artificial intelligence methods for the monitoring of forests and tree populations at …