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  1. Innovative Retail Lab eröffnet in neuen Räumlichkeiten

    Das Labor für innovative Technologien im Einzelhandel eröffnet heute seine neue Forschungsumgebung im Globus-Markt in St. Wendel. Dort bietet das …

  2. 5G CMM EXPO 2019

    08 - 10 October, Hannover Exhibition Center. DFKI is partner of this year's 5G CMM Conference.

  3. International scientific symposium on future challenges in artificial intelligence & security for autonomous vehicles

    Industry as well as academia have made great advances working towards an overall vision of fully autonomous driving. Despite the success stories, …

  4. Teaser of the workshop

    UPLINX Qualification in the Topic Machine Learning

    The joint project UPLINX is a cross-site qualification programme for machine learning with close practical and application orientation. The project …

  5. AI for medium-sized production - DFKI at EMO Hannover 2019

    This year, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence will be exhibiting at EMO Hannover (16 to 21 September 2019) for the first time. At …

  6. Study-Check für Abiturientinnen und Abiturienten

    Als Teil des Saarland Informatics Campus - SIC - unterstützt das DFKI den Study-Check am kommenden Freitag. Zielgruppe sind Menschen mit …

  7. Fraunhofer IFAM and DFKI open test centre for maritime technologies on Heligoland island

    Having been neighbours on the campus of the University of Bremen for some years, the institutes Fraunhofer IFAM and DFKI Robotics Innovation Center …

  8. Body tracking with the help of a sensor suit

    IFA 2019: Intelligent sensor technology for a better posture at the workplace

    Whether pain in the back, shoulders or knees: Incorrect posture in the workplace can have consequences. A sensor system developed by researchers at TU …

  9. Artificial Intelligence and Diversity in Higher Education - Conference at the FernUniversität in Hagen

    Save the Date: November 14th, 2019, 11:00 am – 4:30 pm

    Artificial intelligence and diversity in higher education is the theme of this year's …

  10. RoboCup-Weltmeisterschaft 2019: Deutscher Meister B-Human reist mit großen Hoffnungen nach Sydney

    Nicht nur die deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen spielt in diesem Sommer um den Weltmeisterpokal: Auch B-Human – das gemeinsame Team der …


DFKI auf der Hannover Messe 2024: Schwerpunkt ist umweltschonende Industrie-KI