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Hannover Messe 2019

Project TACNET 4.0 – 5G as a Pioneer for Industrie 4.0

The Intelligent Networks research department introduces its research on 5G network optimization, self-healing, security, and performance gained in the project “TACNET 4.0 – Highly reliable and real-time capable 5G networking for Industrie 4.0.” The tactile Internet for production, robotics, and digital transformation in industry will be presented in the 5G Arena (Hall 16, Stand D38).

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds the TACNET 4.0 project with the goal of developing a standard industrial 5G communication system that comprehensively integrates a 5G network with industrial communication networks. This implies an expansion of the 5G concept with innovative industry-specific approaches, the development of inter-network adaption mechanisms as well as open interfaces between industrial and wireless systems.

One of the crucial aspects of TACNET 4.0 is the secure local and cross-location data transfer with minimal latency. An illustrative example would be the remote control of mobile machines or robots deployed to dangerous environments or in other cases where no local operators are available.

In addition to DFKI and Nokia Bell Labs as overall coordinators, the core partners in the TACNET 4.0 consortium are: ABB Research Center, Ascora GmbH, Robert Bosch, CommSolid, Götting, Institute for Industrial IT (inIT) of the OWL University of Applied Sciences in Lemgo, MECSware, NXP Semiconductors Germany, OTARIS Interactive Services, TU Dresden (Vodafone Chair for Mobile Communications Systems and Deutsche Telekom Chair for Communication Networks), and the University of Bremen.



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Dieter Schotten
Head of Research Department Intelligent Networks

Phone: +49 631 20575 3000

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