Intelligent Product Lens

Products in the Spot Light!

The Intelligent Product Lens enables customers to get information about products in a supermarket: Where are they from? What is in?





  • The Intelligent Product Lens enables customers to get information about products in a supermarket.
  • When a customer places a product on the kiosk's tray, it is recognizes by its RFID tag and initially, different views of this product are displayed on the screen, between which the customer can switch using touch interaction.
  • If the customer touches the currently selected product image, the according detail of this picture is magnified in order to facilitate the readability of the text displayed on it.
  • MUsing a touch-sensitive slider below the image, the scale factor of the lens can be adjusted.
  • Furthermore, information about the product's ingredients are displayed, where possible additives (E***) are additionally explained. Moreover, allergy alerts are shown if needed.



  • Kiosk:rack instrumented with touch screen, PC and glass tray with integrated RFID antenna
  • RFID tags: radio identification labels attached to products
  • Interface: Interface: automatic loading of product-related data and adaptive, context-sensitive display of product information
