Twelfth International Workshop CIA 2008 on


Cooperative Information Agents

September 10 - 12, 2008

CzechTechnical University, Prague, Czech Republic

In cooperation with ACM SIGART, SIGWEB, SIGKDD


CIA 2008 Student Travel Grant Application

  • Full contact details (name, address, email, phone, fax)
  • Affiliation
  • Approval of studentship
    • Fax copy of Student ID card to +49-681-3022235 (attn Klusch), or
    • Approval of studentship by your official advisor via email to
  • The title of the paper you are going to present at CIA 2008
  • Rough travel plan with estimated travel costs
  • Claimed amount of support

Please fill in this form and send it via email to until July 9, 2008 very latest. You will be notified on the decision about acceptance or rejection of your application within 7 days after the deadline passed. If you did not receive a response on your application by then please check back for clarification immediately.


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