Advances in Artificial Neural Networks

Seminar an der Universität des Saarlandes, Fachrichtung Informatik, LVst 106020

Requirements for successfull participation in the seminar:

  • Confirmed pre-registration to the seminar by email from the seminar leader (until October 17, 2017 latest), and then registration to the seminar in HISPOS (until November 7, 2017 latest).
  • Regular attendance of the seminar according to the list of attendees which is kept at each seminar date (starting from the scheduled first presentation). 
  • Successful seminar talk on the assigned topic. The presentation can be up to 45 minutes. The presentation is followed by a discussion on the presented topic with the presenter (defense) which can be up to 45 minutes. Presentation language is English or German (depending on audience); the presentation slides have to be in English.
  • Active and meaningful contributions to all discussions of the seminar
  • Weighted evaluation (mark) in %: Presentation 70, Defense 20, Discussions 10