[Rock-dev] Another base type required: MultiLevelLaserScan

Matthias Goldhoorn matthias.goldhoorn at dfki.de
Tue Nov 19 15:50:07 CET 2013

why not using the LaserScan from base::Types here it has a slight 
overhead, but would simplify the usage...
Then you would not need to use VerticalMultilevelScan anymore.
The naming is even wourse, Vertical is missleading the scanner could be 
aligned in every direction.

Then what's the current angle of a MultiLevelLaserScan, the "Vertical" 
angle is represended within horizontal_angle and start_angle and angular 
resolution give's the "vertical" angle with the index.

But why not coding the current angle for the MultiLevelLaserScan the 
same way.
-> giving start angle and anglar resolution, the index then give's the 
current angle.
This should be done in the same way like the normal LaserScan.

That's all from my side.


On 19.11.2013 15:41, Stefan Haase wrote:
> This type can be used to store scan data of velodyne-like laser-scanners.
> http://spacegit.dfki.uni-bremen.de/dfki-drivers/velodyne_lidar/blobs/master/src/MultilevelLaserScan.h 
> It is used by graph_slam and will be used by MARS and the 
> corridor-navigation.
> Any comments, suggestions or concerns about adding it to base/types?
> Best regards,
> Stefan
> -- 
>  Dipl.-Inf. Stefan Haase
>  Space Robotics and Animation
> Standort Bremen:
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>  Robotics Innovation Center
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>  Phone: +49 (0)421 178 45-4108
>  Fax:   +49 (0)421 178 45-4150
>  E-Mail: Stefan.Haase at dfki.de <mailto:Stefan.Haase at dfki.de>
>  Weitere Informationen: http://www.dfki.de/robotik
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  Dipl.-Inf. Matthias Goldhoorn
  Space and Underwater Robotic

  Universität Bremen
  FB 3 - Mathematik und Informatik
  AG Robotik
  Robert-Hooke-Straße 5
  28359 Bremen, Germany

  Tel.:     +49 421 178 45-4193
  Zentrale: +49 421 178 45-6550
  Fax:      +49 421 178 45-4150
  E-Mail:   matthias.goldhoorn at uni-bremen.de

  Weitere Informationen: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/robotik

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