EdTec-QBuilder: A Semantic Retrieval Tool for Assembling Vocational Training Exams in German Language

System Demonstration Track @ NAACL 2024

The Exam Assembly Task

In education, retrieving and assembling test items from a previously validated and curated item database into comprehensive examination forms is a real challenge. While a significant focus is on the research and development of models for Automatic Item Generation (AIG), the crucial task of assembling examination forms still needs to be explored. This gap presents an opportunity for research and development, especially in creating effective and efficient methods for assisted and automatic exam assembly.

Description of Image

While collaborating with the bfz group, Germany's leading vocational training provider, we identified the difficulties of curating an item database and filtering relevant test items for building (or assembling) formative examination forms. To address this challenge, we formulated the exam assembling process as an information retrieval task. We implemented and deployed a proprietary search service and tool to assist vocational educators in assembling examination forms. This system facilitates acquiring or crowdsourcing ground-truth expert data from manual exam assembly processes. As a system demonstration, we released EdTec-QBuilder, the public fork of our search service and tool.

System Implementation

The below figure describes the architecture of the search service. We provide a JSON Web Token-based service to authenticate and serve client requests from the SERP.

After user authentication, the endpoint validates the users' credentials in the user's database. When a user submits a query, the query is encoded into a vector-dense representation to approximate nearest neighbors' search against an NMSLIB precomputed index. To optimize the output of the initial search, the tool's core search module re-ranks the top 100 results with a cross-encoder. Then, it returns a response in JSON format with the resulting test items and their corresponding attributes. The client receives the system's output, and the SERP maps the JSON into a suitable format for the visualization of results. The client then selects relevant items; in the background, the SERP logs the chosen items and sends this data to the web tool.

Search Strategy Selection and Analysis

In this initial phase, as no ground truth data was available and focusing on delivering a functional and practical tool for our commercial partners, we have strategically implemented eight foundational search and retrieval strategies. These strategies serve as initial baselines, carefully chosen to define the core of our test item search and retrieval module. It's important to note that this is an early approximation, designed to evolve and improve as we gain insights and feedback in our ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation.

To overcome the cold start problem, we evaluated and analyzed how the proposed methods performed while interacting with the top 25 popular pre-trained sentence similarity models by employing a synthetic TREC-style methodology. We found that a cross-encoder passage re-ranker performed the best for our task. For more details about our experimental setup, check our relevant publication.


To foster research in information retrieval and assisted and automated exam assembling models, we released the EdTec-QBuilder code. The code is available under Creative Commons Licence.


The item database comprises 5,624 test items across 34 high-demand vocational skills in the German job market. We augmented our original item database via ChatGPT3.5 to increase our experiments' robustness and scalability and to share a public version of our dataset. Below, under a Creative Commons Licence, you can download the public fold of the item database, and the anonymized TREC-style search runs the strategies output.


Search & Retrieval Performance Leaderboard

We evaluated our experiments with classic information retrieval metrics. Below, we display the performance leaderboard sorted by nDCG performance. Overall, we tested 176 different pre-trained sentence similarity models and strategy combinations.

Strategy ndcg@100 mrr@100 precision@100 recall@100 f1@100 map@100
CE-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-cosine 0.517 0.709 0.312 0.539 0.379 0.289
CE-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-euclidean 0.516 0.713 0.313 0.536 0.378 0.288
CE-0_Transformer 0.494 0.703 0.274 0.498 0.34 0.276
CE-sentence-transformers_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 0.49 0.663 0.302 0.519 0.365 0.266
CE-PM-AI_sts_paraphrase_xlm-roberta-base_de-en 0.477 0.723 0.277 0.473 0.335 0.258
CE-dell-research-harvard_lt-wikidata-comp-de 0.476 0.691 0.267 0.483 0.331 0.26
vertical-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-euclidean 0.468 0.245 0.34 0.582 0.41 0.264
CE-nblokker_debatenet-2-cat 0.462 0.666 0.277 0.481 0.337 0.244
CE-aari1995_German_Semantic_STS_V2 0.461 0.584 0.267 0.479 0.33 0.261
vertical-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-cosine 0.458 0.233 0.332 0.572 0.402 0.259
CE-LLukas22_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2-embedding-all 0.452 0.769 0.27 0.444 0.322 0.244
vertical-sentence-transformers_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 0.449 0.241 0.325 0.556 0.392 0.259
CE-sentence-transformers_LaBSE 0.441 0.731 0.259 0.432 0.31 0.235
LM+ANN-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-cosine 0.437 0.202 0.312 0.539 0.379 0.251
vertical-intfloat_multilingual-e5-base 0.437 0.253 0.302 0.536 0.37 0.239
vertical-efederici_e5-base-multilingual-4096 0.437 0.253 0.302 0.536 0.37 0.238
CE-setu4993_LaBSE 0.434 0.684 0.253 0.438 0.308 0.232
LM+ANN-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-euclidean 0.434 0.209 0.313 0.536 0.378 0.245
vertical-nblokker_debatenet-2-cat 0.433 0.242 0.311 0.54 0.378 0.244
vertical-aari1995_German_Semantic_STS_V2 0.433 0.23 0.309 0.537 0.376 0.249
vertical-0_Transformer 0.432 0.243 0.307 0.543 0.376 0.232
vertical-dell-research-harvard_lt-wikidata-comp-de 0.425 0.235 0.301 0.539 0.371 0.224
LambdaMart-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-euclidean 0.425 0.328 0.313 0.536 0.378 0.176
vertical-LLukas22_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2-embedding-all 0.424 0.259 0.312 0.517 0.373 0.236
vertical-PM-AI_sts_paraphrase_xlm-roberta-base_de-en 0.424 0.253 0.309 0.528 0.373 0.226
LM+ANN-sentence-transformers_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 0.424 0.242 0.302 0.519 0.365 0.242
CE-PM-AI_bi-encoder_msmarco_bert-base_german 0.418 0.728 0.229 0.389 0.276 0.229
CE-ef-zulla_e5-multi-sml-torch 0.415 0.635 0.257 0.44 0.309 0.201
LambdaMart-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-cosine 0.415 0.279 0.312 0.539 0.379 0.169
CE-efederici_e5-base-multilingual-4096 0.411 0.591 0.248 0.436 0.302 0.193
vertical-ef-zulla_e5-multi-sml-torch 0.41 0.236 0.293 0.5 0.353 0.233
CE-intfloat_multilingual-e5-base 0.41 0.58 0.247 0.433 0.301 0.194
vertical-sentence-transformers_LaBSE 0.405 0.17 0.299 0.508 0.36 0.216
LambdaMart-sentence-transformers_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 0.401 0.28 0.302 0.519 0.365 0.161
vertical-setu4993_LaBSE 0.398 0.229 0.295 0.501 0.356 0.201
LambdaMart-0_Transformer 0.398 0.396 0.274 0.498 0.34 0.159
MILP-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-euclidean 0.397 0.267 0.313 0.536 0.378 0.154
LM+ANN-0_Transformer 0.396 0.169 0.274 0.498 0.34 0.213
CE-symanto_sn-xlm-roberta-base-snli-mnli-anli-xnli 0.394 0.617 0.228 0.383 0.273 0.195
vertical-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1 0.391 0.228 0.284 0.491 0.344 0.2
LambdaMart-dell-research-harvard_lt-wikidata-comp-de 0.388 0.457 0.267 0.483 0.331 0.15
CE-and-effect_musterdatenkatalog_clf 0.388 0.673 0.225 0.378 0.27 0.196
MILP-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-cosine 0.386 0.189 0.312 0.539 0.379 0.144
LM+ANN-nblokker_debatenet-2-cat 0.386 0.172 0.277 0.481 0.337 0.206
LambdaMart-PM-AI_sts_paraphrase_xlm-roberta-base_de-en 0.385 0.395 0.277 0.473 0.335 0.145
LM+ANN-PM-AI_sts_paraphrase_xlm-roberta-base_de-en 0.385 0.199 0.277 0.473 0.335 0.201
vertical-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 0.382 0.228 0.276 0.49 0.339 0.184
LM+ANN-aari1995_German_Semantic_STS_V2 0.382 0.155 0.267 0.479 0.33 0.208
MILP-sentence-transformers_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 0.382 0.189 0.302 0.519 0.365 0.147
LM+ANN-dell-research-harvard_lt-wikidata-comp-de 0.381 0.159 0.267 0.483 0.331 0.196
LambdaMart-aari1995_German_Semantic_STS_V2 0.381 0.386 0.267 0.479 0.33 0.153
LambdaMart-nblokker_debatenet-2-cat 0.374 0.297 0.277 0.481 0.337 0.139
LM+ANN-efederici_e5-base-multilingual-4096 0.372 0.22 0.248 0.436 0.302 0.198
vertical-and-effect_musterdatenkatalog_clf 0.372 0.253 0.259 0.441 0.313 0.204
LM+ANN-LLukas22_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2-embedding-all 0.371 0.236 0.27 0.444 0.322 0.202
LM+ANN-ef-zulla_e5-multi-sml-torch 0.37 0.241 0.257 0.44 0.309 0.198
LM+ANN-intfloat_multilingual-e5-base 0.369 0.217 0.247 0.433 0.301 0.195
LM+ANN-sentence-transformers_LaBSE 0.362 0.179 0.259 0.432 0.31 0.197
CE-barisaydin_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.362 0.659 0.205 0.357 0.25 0.175
vertical-PM-AI_bi-encoder_msmarco_bert-base_german 0.361 0.221 0.263 0.45 0.318 0.182
CE-shibing624_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.361 0.647 0.205 0.357 0.249 0.174
MILP-nblokker_debatenet-2-cat 0.351 0.202 0.277 0.481 0.337 0.122
MILP-PM-AI_sts_paraphrase_xlm-roberta-base_de-en 0.351 0.274 0.277 0.473 0.335 0.122
LM+ANN-setu4993_LaBSE 0.35 0.132 0.253 0.438 0.308 0.175
Q-Term-Exp-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-cosine 0.35 0.192 0.253 0.427 0.304 0.182
CE-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 0.35 0.485 0.199 0.38 0.252 0.168
vertical-shibing624_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.347 0.196 0.238 0.408 0.288 0.188
MILP-0_Transformer 0.347 0.105 0.274 0.498 0.34 0.12
vertical-symanto_sn-xlm-roberta-base-snli-mnli-anli-xnli 0.347 0.225 0.251 0.418 0.299 0.183
vertical-barisaydin_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.346 0.196 0.237 0.406 0.287 0.187
LambdaMart-sentence-transformers_LaBSE 0.345 0.286 0.259 0.432 0.31 0.127
CE-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1 0.345 0.594 0.199 0.355 0.244 0.167
LambdaMart-ef-zulla_e5-multi-sml-torch 0.342 0.241 0.257 0.44 0.309 0.126
LambdaMart-efederici_e5-base-multilingual-4096 0.341 0.324 0.248 0.436 0.302 0.113
MILP-dell-research-harvard_lt-wikidata-comp-de 0.341 0.137 0.267 0.483 0.331 0.115
Q-Term-Exp-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-euclidean 0.34 0.194 0.247 0.413 0.296 0.17
LambdaMart-intfloat_multilingual-e5-base 0.339 0.324 0.247 0.433 0.301 0.111
Q-Term-Exp-sentence-transformers_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 0.339 0.199 0.24 0.405 0.289 0.183
MILP-aari1995_German_Semantic_STS_V2 0.338 0.134 0.266 0.478 0.329 0.118
MILP-LLukas22_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2-embedding-all 0.337 0.251 0.27 0.444 0.322 0.122
LambdaMart-LLukas22_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2-embedding-all 0.335 0.226 0.27 0.444 0.322 0.123
LambdaMart-setu4993_LaBSE 0.332 0.227 0.253 0.438 0.308 0.115
TFIDF-W-AVG-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-cosine 0.329 0.147 0.244 0.406 0.292 0.153
CE-setu4993_LEALLA-large 0.324 0.612 0.177 0.32 0.219 0.163
LM+ANN-and-effect_musterdatenkatalog_clf 0.319 0.197 0.225 0.378 0.27 0.166
TFIDF-W-AVG-PM-AI_sts_paraphrase_xlm-roberta-base_de-en 0.319 0.189 0.234 0.392 0.281 0.15
MILP-ef-zulla_e5-multi-sml-torch 0.319 0.231 0.257 0.44 0.309 0.106
LM+ANN-symanto_sn-xlm-roberta-base-snli-mnli-anli-xnli 0.318 0.162 0.228 0.383 0.273 0.159
LM+ANN-PM-AI_bi-encoder_msmarco_bert-base_german 0.316 0.156 0.229 0.389 0.276 0.149
MILP-efederici_e5-base-multilingual-4096 0.315 0.247 0.248 0.436 0.302 0.094
MILP-intfloat_multilingual-e5-base 0.314 0.249 0.247 0.433 0.301 0.094
MILP-sentence-transformers_LaBSE 0.312 0.172 0.259 0.432 0.31 0.105
vertical-setu4993_LEALLA-large 0.312 0.167 0.243 0.402 0.29 0.146
MILP-setu4993_LaBSE 0.31 0.149 0.253 0.438 0.308 0.101
vertical-clips_mfaq 0.309 0.182 0.212 0.379 0.26 0.133
LM+ANN-barisaydin_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.306 0.204 0.205 0.357 0.25 0.155
LM+ANN-shibing624_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.306 0.204 0.205 0.357 0.249 0.156
Q-Term-Exp-aari1995_German_Semantic_STS_V2 0.305 0.126 0.217 0.382 0.266 0.145
Q-Term-Exp-PM-AI_sts_paraphrase_xlm-roberta-base_de-en 0.302 0.144 0.217 0.377 0.264 0.144
TFIDF-W-AVG-nblokker_debatenet-2-cat 0.3 0.148 0.221 0.367 0.265 0.139
LambdaMart-PM-AI_bi-encoder_msmarco_bert-base_german 0.299 0.214 0.229 0.389 0.276 0.097
LambdaMart-symanto_sn-xlm-roberta-base-snli-mnli-anli-xnli 0.292 0.186 0.228 0.383 0.273 0.092
LM+ANN-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 0.292 0.135 0.199 0.38 0.252 0.139
LambdaMart-and-effect_musterdatenkatalog_clf 0.291 0.274 0.225 0.378 0.27 0.094
Q-Term-Exp-symanto_sn-xlm-roberta-base-snli-mnli-anli-xnli 0.29 0.146 0.209 0.348 0.25 0.137
TFIDF-W-AVG-sentence-transformers_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 0.288 0.253 0.193 0.32 0.231 0.149
Q-Term-Exp-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1 0.287 0.11 0.212 0.384 0.262 0.115
TFIDF-W-AVG-dell-research-harvard_lt-wikidata-comp-de 0.286 0.159 0.211 0.352 0.253 0.122
LM+ANN-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1 0.286 0.165 0.199 0.355 0.244 0.131
TFIDF-W-AVG-deutsche-telekom_gbert-large-paraphrase-euclidean 0.284 0.174 0.207 0.35 0.25 0.12
Q-Term-Exp-0_Transformer 0.281 0.133 0.201 0.353 0.245 0.118
TFIDF-W-AVG-setu4993_LaBSE 0.281 0.149 0.198 0.333 0.238 0.134
MILP-symanto_sn-xlm-roberta-base-snli-mnli-anli-xnli 0.281 0.198 0.228 0.383 0.273 0.082
CE-clips_mfaq 0.28 0.543 0.151 0.274 0.187 0.118
Q-Term-Exp-and-effect_musterdatenkatalog_clf 0.279 0.172 0.195 0.337 0.237 0.127
Q-Term-Exp-LLukas22_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2-embedding-all 0.275 0.144 0.195 0.336 0.237 0.129
TFIDF-W-AVG-0_Transformer 0.274 0.182 0.199 0.331 0.239 0.114
MILP-PM-AI_bi-encoder_msmarco_bert-base_german 0.274 0.11 0.229 0.389 0.276 0.08
TFIDF-W-AVG-aari1995_German_Semantic_STS_V2 0.273 0.139 0.193 0.337 0.236 0.115
LambdaMart-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 0.273 0.21 0.199 0.38 0.252 0.086
Q-Term-Exp-shibing624_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.27 0.132 0.189 0.337 0.233 0.12
Q-Term-Exp-barisaydin_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.269 0.132 0.188 0.334 0.231 0.121
LambdaMart-barisaydin_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.269 0.271 0.205 0.357 0.25 0.079
MILP-and-effect_musterdatenkatalog_clf 0.267 0.16 0.225 0.378 0.27 0.077
TFIDF-W-AVG-symanto_sn-xlm-roberta-base-snli-mnli-anli-xnli 0.266 0.143 0.195 0.322 0.233 0.116
LambdaMart-shibing624_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.264 0.21 0.205 0.357 0.249 0.077
LambdaMart-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1 0.262 0.211 0.199 0.355 0.244 0.078
Q-Term-Exp-intfloat_multilingual-e5-base 0.261 0.149 0.179 0.306 0.216 0.127
Q-Term-Exp-nblokker_debatenet-2-cat 0.261 0.14 0.18 0.327 0.224 0.115
TFIDF-W-AVG-sentence-transformers_LaBSE 0.259 0.119 0.188 0.324 0.229 0.108
MILP-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 0.259 0.187 0.199 0.38 0.252 0.077
Q-Term-Exp-sentence-transformers_LaBSE 0.259 0.08 0.193 0.324 0.232 0.116
Q-Term-Exp-dell-research-harvard_lt-wikidata-comp-de 0.259 0.123 0.186 0.319 0.225 0.109
TFIDF-W-AVG-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1 0.257 0.122 0.179 0.303 0.216 0.128
Q-Term-Exp-efederici_e5-base-multilingual-4096 0.257 0.15 0.177 0.301 0.213 0.124
Q-Term-Exp-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 0.255 0.106 0.184 0.36 0.236 0.098
Q-Term-Exp-ef-zulla_e5-multi-sml-torch 0.254 0.135 0.177 0.306 0.214 0.12
MILP-shibing624_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.25 0.112 0.205 0.357 0.249 0.07
MILP-barisaydin_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.249 0.101 0.205 0.357 0.25 0.07
MILP-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1 0.249 0.215 0.199 0.355 0.244 0.069
CE-LLukas22_all-MiniLM-L12-v2-embedding-all 0.246 0.574 0.137 0.221 0.162 0.1
Q-Term-Exp-PM-AI_bi-encoder_msmarco_bert-base_german 0.244 0.113 0.175 0.303 0.213 0.105
TFIDF-W-AVG-sentence-transformers_distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 0.244 0.117 0.175 0.303 0.213 0.108
TFIDF-W-AVG-shibing624_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.243 0.16 0.167 0.289 0.203 0.105
LM+ANN-setu4993_LEALLA-large 0.239 0.099 0.177 0.32 0.219 0.101
TFIDF-W-AVG-barisaydin_text2vec-base-multilingual 0.237 0.161 0.163 0.28 0.198 0.101
TFIDF-W-AVG-LLukas22_paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2-embedding-all 0.233 0.224 0.167 0.273 0.199 0.101
LM+ANN-clips_mfaq 0.23 0.168 0.151 0.274 0.187 0.088
LambdaMart-setu4993_LEALLA-large 0.228 0.182 0.177 0.32 0.219 0.066
TFIDF-W-AVG-PM-AI_bi-encoder_msmarco_bert-base_german 0.227 0.081 0.165 0.282 0.2 0.095
MILP-setu4993_LEALLA-large 0.225 0.234 0.177 0.32 0.219 0.065
TFIDF-W-AVG-intfloat_multilingual-e5-base 0.216 0.109 0.159 0.261 0.189 0.086
TFIDF-W-AVG-efederici_e5-base-multilingual-4096 0.21 0.117 0.157 0.262 0.189 0.078
LambdaMart-clips_mfaq 0.207 0.14 0.151 0.274 0.187 0.054
TFIDF-W-AVG-ef-zulla_e5-multi-sml-torch 0.205 0.109 0.147 0.243 0.176 0.09
CE-meta-llama_Llama-2-7b-chat-hf 0.205 0.55 0.108 0.186 0.131 0.088
vertical-LLukas22_all-MiniLM-L12-v2-embedding-all 0.203 0.174 0.144 0.246 0.173 0.067
TFIDF-W-AVG-clips_mfaq 0.2 0.173 0.135 0.241 0.167 0.079
Q-Term-Exp-setu4993_LEALLA-large 0.196 0.073 0.143 0.247 0.174 0.072
Q-Term-Exp-meta-llama_Llama-2-7b-chat-hf 0.191 0.083 0.127 0.238 0.16 0.077
TFIDF-W-AVG-and-effect_musterdatenkatalog_clf 0.186 0.094 0.137 0.22 0.162 0.07
MILP-clips_mfaq 0.186 0.125 0.151 0.274 0.187 0.039
LM+ANN-LLukas22_all-MiniLM-L12-v2-embedding-all 0.177 0.091 0.137 0.221 0.162 0.057
Q-Term-Exp-LLukas22_all-MiniLM-L12-v2-embedding-all 0.177 0.131 0.13 0.214 0.156 0.073
vertical-meta-llama_Llama-2-7b-chat-hf 0.175 0.176 0.13 0.228 0.159 0.064
Q-Term-Exp-setu4993_LaBSE 0.168 0.145 0.111 0.202 0.138 0.059
LambdaMart-LLukas22_all-MiniLM-L12-v2-embedding-all 0.165 0.1 0.137 0.221 0.162 0.04
MILP-LLukas22_all-MiniLM-L12-v2-embedding-all 0.157 0.105 0.137 0.221 0.162 0.035
TFIDF-W-AVG-LLukas22_all-MiniLM-L12-v2-embedding-all 0.15 0.12 0.109 0.175 0.128 0.046
LM+ANN-meta-llama_Llama-2-7b-chat-hf 0.149 0.16 0.108 0.186 0.131 0.053
LambdaMart-meta-llama_Llama-2-7b-chat-hf 0.14 0.123 0.108 0.186 0.131 0.034
Q-Term-Exp-clips_mfaq 0.136 0.089 0.093 0.175 0.117 0.04
MILP-meta-llama_Llama-2-7b-chat-hf 0.126 0.04 0.108 0.186 0.131 0.028
TFIDF-W-AVG-meta-llama_Llama-2-7b-chat-hf 0.105 0.068 0.076 0.137 0.094 0.032
TFIDF-W-AVG-setu4993_LEALLA-large 0.097 0.044 0.079 0.131 0.094 0.016
bm25 0.075 0.124 0.053 0.09 0.063 0.012