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Dialogue Moves

One of the most important tasks of the DM is to categorize each user utterance as a move of a certain type. The move categories were again determined based on an analysis of our Wizard-of-Oz data. Figure 3 gif shows an annotated dialogue fragment including most of the important move categories.


User: I want to go from Gothenburg to Stockholm on Friday. user:constraint
System: At what time do you want to leave? system:ask-for-constraint
U: In the morning. user:constraint
S: There is a train at 5.30 am arriving at 9.45 am. system:suggestion
U: Is that a direct train? user:ask-for-info
S: Yes. system:answer-with-info
U: Is there a later train? user:ask-for-suggestion
S: There is a train at 6.06 arriving at 9.15. system:suggestion
U: Fine, I'll take that one. user:accept

Figure 3: A dialogue fragment annotated with move labels.

For example, in the user:constraint move, the user delimits the range of possible trips he is interested in. By contrast, in the user:ask-for-info move the user asks for information about possible trips, but the queried information does not count as content to be added to the current constraints on possible trips. The query is a ``side question'' not contributing directly to the current set of mutually understood constraints (but may, depending on the answer, lead to a new constraint). In the user:ask-for-suggestion move, the user asks for an alternative suggestion without rejecting the previous suggestions from the system (the user might very well go back and accept a previous suggestion).

We distinguish between twelve different user moves and roughly the same number of system moves. The DM catgorizes an utterance as a certain move by computing a heuristic likelihood score for each move type, based on the following factors:

The DM has a set of game rules [Power1979] that constrains the set of possible response moves, given a particular user move. For instance, currently a user:ask-for-suggestion is always followed by a system:suggestion or a system:no-suggestion. The game rules can also easily be changed to redesign the dialogue structure.

We conjecture that this set of move labels is reusable for a large set of applications; basically any application where the user gradually specifies what she wants, the system presents the user with alternative suggestions, and the user accepts some suggestions and rejects others. The implementation of the Dialogue Manager is divided into domain-independent code and domain-dependent code (i.e. code that directly refers to flights, trains, etc.), and is thus largely reusable. However, we do not have a separate domain description language; to modify the Dialogue Manager to work with a new domain, one has to rewrite the domain-dependent Prolog code.

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Mats Wiren
Mon Oct 25 13:51:54 MET DST 1999