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Dialogue script generator

The main consumer of the thematic structure is the dialogue script generator [Alexandersson and Poller1998]. It provides the user(s) with two different functionalities. The first, which is called dialogue script, is a condensed description of the most salient parts of the dialogue. The second, result summary, summarizes the result of the negotiation. In this paper we describe the result summary (the functioning of the dialogue minutes is described in [Alexandersson and Poller1998].). For both types, a set of VITs is construed which, when required, can be transfered to any VERBMOBIL\ language.

Figure 6: A sample result protocol

The result summary is based on a thematic view on context information based on a partitioning of the task space into the pre-defined topics mentioned in section 4. It basically mirrors the contents of the thematic memory. For the generation, it suffices to traverse the structure, select (what to say) and partition (how to say) the information collected during the course of the dialogue. A sample summary, generated from our corpus, is shown in figure 6gif.

Jan Alexandersson
Thu Nov 11 15:15:06 MET 1999