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We employ a similar approach with the general representation in the direx formalism. Each topic contains a number of so-called blueprints which are frame structures for those objects that are expected to occur within a specific topic (see an example for topic TRAVELING in fig. 5). The blueprint corresponds to the temporal specification tree. Incomplete incoming data (due to ellipsis or anaphora) is extended according to this blueprint. In the following example a time expression that was found in utterance B02 is extended to form an object of type MOVE:

Which plane do we take?
tex2html_wrap_inline276 [,has_transportation:[plane]]
There's one at six fortyfive.
tex2html_wrap_inline276 [,

Completion is conducted using the blueprint and a focused object (compare fig. 5 and the example). The blueprint specifies what elements have to be added and the focused object acts as a sponsor.

Figure 5: Completion blueprint for objects of topic TRAVELING

Jan Alexandersson
Thu Nov 11 15:15:06 MET 1999