Multimedia Databases

State-of-the-Art Report

Version 1.0 (100 Pages)


























Daniel Sonntag


+49 (0)731 505 4825











Management Summary

Multimedia databases and infrastructures have gained tremendous attention in many application areas for the payoff in large interdisciplinary projects like e-commerce, digital libraries, medical information systems, or geographic information systems. Within the next years, a high industrial impact of multimedia databases is expected, and multimedia processing is expected to become an emerging topic in business processes that consider themselves knowledge enterprises. Traditional relational database systems store structured data like numbers and character fields adequately. Today’s information systems, however, need to handle complex multimedia data types in addition. The extension of traditional database systems toward multimedia database systems is a tedious task and we explore how commercial database vendors have succeeded in extending the functionality for multimedia data accessibility, speed of retrieval, and searching flexibility. Relational databases have served well and probably will continue to dominate the database market for quite a few years. But the focus is swinging toward object-oriented database technology as a new fundamental shift, last but not least caused by the emergence of the object-oriented Java programming language.

Today’s leading commercial database vendors offer substantial object-relational database extensions for processing multimedia data. In the first place, the two database systems IBM DB2 Database and Oracle 9i Database are to be mentioned which offer high-level multimedia support by dedicated object-relational functionality and multimedia packages. Furthermore, a variety of third-party and open source products exist which offer multimedia database extensions.

The question now is whether these multimedia database systems have reached a stage of maturation that qualifies them for operational use yet. We have tried to find some arguments for answering this question in the context of DaimlerChrysler’s specific needs. This document therefore summarizes test and evaluation results regarding multimedia capabilities of the following four commercial database systems: IBM DB2 (UDB), Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Informix. These systems have been selected as they are most commonly used within the group. Various aspects such as functionality, performance, usability, as well as future development plans have been evaluated and to some extend been tested. We evaluated multimedia extensions mainly for image data (and partly for text data) as such data seem to provide the greatest potential for multimedia applications.

From our tests we expect costs for constructing and maintaining multimedia databases to be not significantly higher than for traditional databases. The benefit of using multimedia database we see in a greater flexibility for supported data types, query types and the basic architecture. The technical support offered for commercial databases and their extensions certifies more security in building such database systems. More standardization endeavors can be expected medium term, primarily for IBM’s and Oracle’s databases. Multimedia content management is the precondition for effective knowledge management of multimedia data - today’s IBM and Oracle multimedia implementations succeed in handling various company data and similar data available for in the Internet portal for example. Therefore IBM and Oracle multimedia implementations for images and texts are both recommended as a result of our work.


The following chapters will provide you an overview on relevant committees and standards, describe multimedia concepts, and summarize the theoretical and practical evaluation of multimedia capabilities. Finally, we will discuss challenges in multimedia databases, and propose a generic multimedia system architecture.




  1. Introduction, scope & aim of document
  2. This document highlights several aspects and recent developments on multimedia databases. Much attention is drawn on commercial software developments in this field. Multimedia databases have to store numeric, image, video, audio, text, graphical, temporal, relational and categorical data. We explore the support provided by existing object-relational systems. We focuses on the design and characteristics of such multimedia systems in terms of database support for multimedia applications and identify the limitations of existing state-of-the-art database management systems from the perspective of supporting multimedia applications. We first introduce the problem domain:

    Multimedia databases and infrastructures gave gained tremendous attention in many application areas for the payoff in large interdisciplinary projects like medical information systems, geographic information systems, e-commerce or digital libraries. We will draw attention on special purpose database repositories within the DC corporate group with regard to data mining databases for discovering new knowledge.

    The integral component for managing relational and object-oriented multimedia data is the database management system which provides mechanism to extract and represent the content of multimedia objects.

    Most relational DBMS vendors have added capabilities to manipulate binary large objects (BLOBs) in the database. However, these implementations are not good enough for multimedia databases. The data is stored inside the BLOB as a non-interpreted byte stream. Because of this overly simple generalization, the DBMS does not have any knowledge concerning the content of the BLOB or its internal structure. Consequently, you cannot perform queries and operations on inherently rich and structured data types, such as images, video, web pages, hypertext, and word-processing documents. The operations and algorithms to manipulate these data types are not available to the query processing and indexing facilities of the DBMS. This means that the user application programs must perform the necessary processing on the contents of the BLOBs. Therefore content-based storage of multimedia gains more and more importance so that interesting database documents to a query can be found already on the database side. The second important requirement is a seamless integration of multimedia objects with traditional data in relational databases.

    This document contains topics on multimedia object representation, content extraction and multimedia retrieval to cover all aspects of a complete multimedia database system. We will discuss how to represent structure and content of multimedia objects, how to extract meaningful features that capture the content of multimedia objects to build technically and semantically optimized indexing structures for content-based retrieval and to support data mining purposes. Another aspect is the development of user interfaces and query languages for extended multimedia data, e.g. editors with image input queries and the extension of standard SQL language for multimedia data [1][6], [7].

    We consult several commercial databases for a comparative evaluation of this issues, namely IBM DB2 Database, Oracle 9i Database, Microsoft SQL-Server, Informix Database. Much attention is drawn on the evaluation of the two DaimlerChrysler’s strategic databases IBM DB2 Database and Oracle 9i Database. Microsoft SQL-Server and Informix are additionally evaluated where appropriate in order to give an overview of the complete spectrum of commercial multimedia extensions.


    1. Overview


The paper is organized in the following sections.

Section 2

Definition of system architecture layers on an abstract level and the discussion of relevant committees and standards.

Section 3

Discussion of commercial multimedia databases:

  • historical development
  • current architecture
  • interfaces and plans for further developments for multimedia data
  • general requirements for object-relational data management.

Section 4


In this section we will highlight pros and cons of IBM DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, and Informix. The system comparisons is based on theoretical and practical aspects and concludes with a case study.

Section 5

Challenges for state-of-the-art multimedia database implementations:

  • open problems
  • special requirements for special data types.

Section 6

  • potentials of multimedia databases within DCX
  • proposed system architecture
  • recommendations on the project management

Section 7

Conclusion & outlook





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