Literatur zum Seminar

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- CYK-basiert
  - Vijay-Shanker
  - Harbusch
- Earley-basiert
  - Schabes-------------------------------------------------------
	Author= "Yves Schabes and Aravind K. Joshi",
	title="An {Earley}-Type Parsing Algorithm for {Tree} {Adjoining} {Grammars}",

	Author= "Yves Schabes",
	Title= "Mathematical and Computational Aspects of Lexicalized
	School="University of Pennsylvania",
	Address="Philadelphia, PA",
	Year= "1990",
	note="Available as technical report (MS-CIS-90-48, LINC
	LAB179) from the Department of Computer Science"}
  - Poller
	author = "Peter Poller",
	title = "Inkrementelles und direktes {Parsing} von {LD/TLP-TAG}s",
	school = "Univerit{\"a}t des Saarlandes",
	address = "Saarbr{\"u}cken",
	year = 1993}
- Prolog-------------------------------------------------------
  - Lang-------------------------------------------------------
  author = 	 "Bernhard Lang",
  title = 	 "Recognition can be harder than Parsing",
  booktitle =	 "TAG+ Workshop",
  year =	 1992,
  organization = "Institute for Research in Cognitive Science",
  address =	 "Philadelphia",
  month =	 "June"

- deterministic-------------------------------------------------------
  - Schabes/Vijay-------------------------------------------------------
        Author="Yves Schabes and K. Vijay-Shanker",
        Title="Deterministic Left to Right Parsing of Tree Adjoining Languages",
        Booktitle= acl90,
        Year= "1990",
- stochastic-------------------------------------------------------
  - schabes-------------------------------------------------------
        AUTHOR = {Schabes, Yves},
        Title = {Stochastic Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars},
        BOOKTITLE = coling92,
        YEAR = {1992}

- VTAG Parsing-------------------------------------------------------
  - Rambow/Satta-------------------------------------------------------
  author = 	 "Owen Rambow",
  title = 	 "Multiset-Valued Linear Index Grammars",
  booktitle = acl94,
  year = 	 "1994",
  organization = "ACL"}
	author = "Owen Rambow and Giorgio Satta",
	title = "A Rewriting System for Free Word Order Syntax that is Non-Local {\em and}  Mildly Context Sensitive", 
	year = "1993", 
	note = "Paper presented at ICML-93.  To appear in {\em Current
Trends in Mathematical Linguistics}, C. Mart{\'\i}n-Vide, ed.
Elsevier-North Holland.",
	address = "Tarragona, Spain"}
  author = 	 "Owen Rambow and Giorgio Satta",
  title = 	 "A Rewriting System for Free Word Order Syntax that is Non-Local {\em and}  Mildly Context Sensitive",
  editor = 	 "Carlos Mart{\'\i}n-Vide",
  booktitle = "Current Issues in Mathematical Linguistics",
  year = 	 1994,
  pages     =    "121--130",
  publisher =    "Elsevier-North Holland",
  series    =    "North-Holland Linguistic series, Volume 56",
  address = 	 "Amsterdam"}
      author = "Giorgio Satta",
      title = "Recognition of Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems",
      year = "1992",
      Adress = "Newark, Del.",
      Booktitle= acl92}
	AUTHOR = "Giorgio Satta",
	TITLE = "Recognition of Vector Languages",
	NOTE = "Unpublished manuscript, Universit{\`a} di Venezia",
        year = 1993}
  - Rambow/Becker-------------------------------------------------------
  author = 	 "Tilman Becker and Owen Rambow",
  title = 	 "Parsing Free Word Order in Polynomial Time",
  year = 	 "1994"}
  author =	 "Becker, Tilman and Rambow, Owen",
  title =	 "Parsing Free Word-Order Languages in Polynomial Time",
  howpublished = "3e Colloque International sur les Grammaries d'Arbres
		  Adjoints (TAG+ 3), Technical Report TALANA-RT-94-01, TALANA,
		  Universit\'{e} Paris 7",
  year =	 1994
  author = 	 "Becker, Tilman and Rambow, Owen",
  title = 	 "Parsing Non-Immediate Dominance Relations",
  booktitle =	 "4th International Workshop on Parsing Technology (IWPT)",
  year =	 1995,
  address =	 "Prague, Czech Republic"
- DTAG Parsing-------------------------------------------------------
  - Rambow/Weir/-------------------------------------------------------
  author = 	 "Owen Rambow and K. Vijay-Shanker and David Weir",
  title = 	 "D-Tree Grammars",
  booktitle = acl95,
  year = 	 "1995",
  organization = "ACL"}
  author = 	 "K. Vijay-Shanker and David Weir and Owen Rambow",
  title = 	 "Parsing D-Tree Grammars",
  series =	 "Fourth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies",
  year =	 1995,
  address =	 "Prague, Czech Republic"
- CCFG-------------------------------------------------------
  - Guan, Pitsch-------------------------------------------------------
	author = "Yonggang Guan",
	title = "{Klammergrammatiken}, {Netzgrammatiken} und {Interpretationen} von
	school = "Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes",
	address = "Saarbr{\"u}cken",
	year = 1992}
- Automatenmodelle-------------------------------------------------------
  - Joshi-------------------------------------------------------
        author = "Aravind K. Joshi",
        title = "Processing Crossed and Nested Dependencies: an
        Automaton Perspective on the Psycholinguistic Results",
        journal = "Language and Cognitive Processes",
        year = 1990,
	number = 1,
	pages = "1--27",
	volume = 5)
  - Rambow-------------------------------------------------------
	author = "Owen Rambow and Aravind Joshi", 	
	title = "An automaton account of long-distance scrambling", 	
        year = "1993",	
	note = "Paper presented at {CUNY} Sentence Processing Workshop,
Amherst, MA"}
	AUTHOR = "Owen Rambow",
	TITLE = "Formal and Computational Models for Natural Language Syntax",
	SCHOOL = upenncis,
	YEAR = {1994},
        address = "Philadelphia",
        note = "Available as Technical Report 94-08 from the Institute for
		  Research in Cognitive Science (IRCS)."}
      AUTHOR = {Owen Rambow and Giorgio Satta},
      TITLE = {A Rank Hierarchy for Deterministic Tree-Walking Transducers},
      YEAR = 1994,
      BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of CAAP'94 -- Colloquium on Trees in
Algebra and Programming},
      EDITOR = {Sophie Tison},
      PUBLISHER = sv,
      ADDRESS = "Berlin, Heidelberg, New York",
      PAGES = {308--321},
      NOTE = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 787}}
  - Becker-------------------------------------------------------
  author = 	 "Becker, Tilman",
  title = 	 "A New Automaton Model for {TAGs}: 2-{SA}",
  journal =	 "Computational Intelligence",
  year =	 1994,
  volume =	 10,
  number =	 4,
  pages =	 "422--431",
  month =	 "November"

- Andere Aspekte-------------------------------------------------------
	author="Yves Schabes and Anne Abeill\'{e} and Aravind K. Joshi",
	title="Parsing Strategies with `Lexicalized' Grammars:
{Application} to {Tree} {Adjoining} {Grammars}",
	Booktitle= coling88,
	Year= "1988"}

	Author= "Abeill\'{e}, Anne and Schabes,  Yves",
	title="Parsing Idioms in {Tree} {Adjoining} {Grammars}",


- Mumble-------------------------------------------------------
  author = 	 "David D. Mcdonald and James D. Pustejovsky",
  title = 	 "TAGs as a Grammatical Formalism for Generation",
  booktitle =	 ACL85P,
  year =	 1985,
  address =	 ACL85L
      author  = "David D. McDonald and Marie W. {Meteer (Vaughan)} and James
D. Pustejovsky",
      title   = "Factors contributing to efficiency in Natural Language Generation",
      editor  = "Gerard Kempen",
      booktitle = "Natural Language Generation",
      publisher = "Martinus Nijhoff Publishers",
      place = "Dordrecht",
      year    = "1987",
      pages   = "159--181"}
      author  = "David D. McDonald and Marie W. Meteer",
      title   = "From water to wine: generating natural language text from today's application programs",
      year    = "1988",
      address = "Austin",
      booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second conference on applied natural language processing",
      organization = "ACL",
      pages   = "41--48"}
- ID/LP-------------------------------------------------------
	Author= "Joshi, Aravind K.",
	Editor= "Gerard Kempen",
	Title= "The relevance of {Tree} {Adjoining} {Grammar} to generation", 
	Publisher= "Martinus Nijhoff Publishers",
	Address= "Dordrecht",
	Booktitle= "Natural Language Generation",
	Year= 1987}

	author="Aravind K. Joshi",
	title="Word-order Variation in Natural Language Generation",
	booktitle="AAAI 87, Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence",
	address="Seattle, Washington"}
- TAG-GEN-------------------------------------------------------
  AUTHOR = {K. Harbusch and W. Finkler and A. Schauder},
  TITLE = {Incremental Syntax Generation with {Tree} {Adjoining} {Grammars}},
  YEAR = 1991,
  TYPE = {Research Report},
  NUMBER = {RR-91-25},
  ADDRESS = {Kaiserslautern und Saarbr\"ucken, Deutschland},
  KEYWORDS = {}}
  AUTHOR = {K. Harbusch and W. Finkler and A. Schauder},
  TITLE = {Incremental Syntax Generation with {Tree} {Adjoining} {Grammars}},
  YEAR = 1991,
  BOOKTITLE = {Verteilte K\"unstliche Intelligenz und kooperatives Arbeiten: 4. Internationaler GI-Kongre\ss{} Wissensbasierte Systeme, Proc.},
  EDITOR = {W. Brauer and D. Hernandez},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  ADDRESS = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
  PAGES = {363-374}}
- systemic-------------------------------------------------------
  author = 	 "K. McCoy and K. Vijay-Shanker and G. Yang",
  title = 	 "Using Tree Adjoining Grammars in the Systemic Framework",
  booktitle =	 "Proc.\ of the Fifth International Workshop on NL Generation",
  year =	 1990,
  month =	 "June",
  address =	 "Dawson, Pennsylvania"
  author = 	 "G. Yang and K. McCoy and K. Vijay--Shanker",
  title = 	 "From funcitonal specification to syntactic structures:
		  systemic grammar and tree adjoining grammar",
  journal =	 "Computational Intelligence",
  year =	 1991,
  volume =	 7,
  pages =	 "207--219"
  author = 	 "K. McCoy and K. Vijay-Shanker and G. Yang",
  title = 	 "A Funcitonal Approach to Generatio nwith TAG",
  booktitle =	 acl92,
  year =	 1992

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