[Rock-dev] ARM: Bootstrap error in base/orogen/std -- Debian Wheezy in qemu-system-arm

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 16:26:42 CEST 2014

Hi. Just for clarification (I don't really have time to work on this): you
are not cross-compiling, right ? You are compiling using an all-ARM
toolchain in qemu ?


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Martin Zenzes <martin.zenzes at dfki.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> on my quest to (cross-)compile this heap of software for ARM, I met an
> hard obstacle a while ago: Some segfault in a ruby-module calling "merge
> xml" or something. Just wanted to share this with you, in case someone is
> willing to invest time in this. I'm still developing my skills, am not able
> to tackle this right now ;-)
> The setup: qemu-system-arm, Debian Wheezy, TransTerrA-Rock-bootstrap (But
> fails in the core-phase). Logfile attached to this very E-Mail.
> The image (downloaded from aurel32) and start-script can be found at
> $WIESE/temp/mzenzes/wheezy-armhf. Login is user:user or root:root,
> bootstrap-directory inside the image is /home/user/TransTerrA/rock_wheezy_arm-linux-gnueabi.
> Just boot the image in one shell and login via ssh in a second one (ssh
> user at localhost -p 2222) and source the env.sh.
> Please make a local copy of the image instead of booting from the network
> share -- it's faster and will not corrupt the file system if two people are
> trying this at the same time ;-)
> Because it was easy to check: Same problem with armel and armhf. I might
> try another distribution, but it takes three days of bootstrapping inside
> qemu to get this far, so...
> Greetings
>     Martin
> --
> M.Sc. Martin Zenzes
> Space Robotics
> Hauptgeschäftsstelle Standort Bremen:
> Robotics Innovation Center
> Robert-Hooke-Straße 5
> 28359 Bremen, Germany
> Phone: +49 (0) 421 178 45 - 6658
> Fax: +49 (0) 421 178 45 - 4150
> E-Mail: martin.zenzes at dfki.de
> Weitere Informationen: http://www.dfki.de/robotik
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