[Rock-dev] roby shell

Allan E. Conquest allan.conquest at dfki.de
Fri Jan 6 14:28:21 CET 2012


now, having switched back on next with tools/roby, I get the same error
message I got on master before trying to connect to supervision (with
mars) with the shell:

allan at XYZ:~/dev/AVALON/supervision$ scripts/shell --host
14:16:16.434 (Robot) turning ON MQueue usage
`const_defined?': nil is not a symbol (TypeError)
    from /home/allan/dev/AVALON/tools/roby/lib/roby/interface.rb:146:in
    from /home/allan/dev/AVALON/tools/roby/lib/roby/interface.rb:133:in
    from /home/allan/dev/AVALON/tools/roby/lib/roby/interface.rb:133:in
    from /home/allan/dev/AVALON/tools/roby/lib/roby/interface.rb:109:in
/home/allan/dev/AVALON/tools/roby/lib/roby/app/scripts/shell.rb:60:in `new'
    from /home/allan/dev/AVALON/tools/roby/lib/roby/app/scripts/shell.rb:60
    from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in
    from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
    from scripts/shell:3

The funny part is that remote connecting to AVALONs supervision from my
machine works fine. Can this be a Ruby version problem (shot in the dark).

My system: ruby 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patchlevel 299) [x86_64-linux]
avalon_back (supervision running): ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision
32553) [x86_64-linux]
avalon_front: ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-linux]

Besides, it does not seem right that avalon_front and avalon_back use
different ruby versions. Is that dangerous?


Am 06.01.2012 10:49, schrieb Sylvain Joyeux:
> I pushed some commits to next yesterday that should fix this issue.
> Can you try it out and tell us if everything's fine again ?
> Sylvain

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