[Rock-dev] Imminent move to eigen3 *Please Read*

Jakob Schwendner jakob.schwendner at dfki.de
Wed Jul 13 12:24:00 CEST 2011

This took slightly longer now than estimated. I would like to push the 
move to eigen3 tomorrow. Let me know if you have a problem with it.



On 05/16/2011 10:56 AM, Jakob Schwendner wrote:
> After some discussion we have decided to delay the move to eigen3 and
> sync it with our new 3-tier development process (master/next/stable).
> This will probably happen some time this week.
> cheers,
> Jakob
> On 05/16/2011 09:50 AM, Jakob Schwendner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> please read, as this is quite likely to affect you.
>> as you might now, we are using eigen2 quite extensively in rock. Through
>> the base/types package, which has a dependency to eigen, almost all
>> packages in rock have an eigen dependency.
>> Since eigen3 (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page) is
>> out for a while now, and we have some problems with eigen2 and 32 bit
>> machines, we've decided to move to eigen3. I've done the conversion for
>> the rock modules as well as the imoby packages.
>> *I would like to push these changes today around noon.*
>> This has a good chance of breaking your code. Let me know if you have a
>> problem with me pushing today (you can always hold off updating of course).
>> Here are the things that you might need to do to move to eigen3:
>> - eigen3 is not available as a package, and is extracted into
>> external/eigen3 through the autoproj rock.base configuration.
>> - to make future compatbility with packages easier, the module is
>> referred to as eigen3 and not external/eigen3 in the manifests
>> - base/types is already pulling in eigen3, so if you have a dependency
>> on it, you don't need to update your makefiles. If you use base/types
>> and also explicitly include eigen2, remove the FindEigen2 part.
>> - if you include eigen2 without including base, the best way is to use
>> pkg-config (and an eigen3 entry in the manifest of your package) to find
>> eigen3 (this avoids copying FindEigen3 cmake scripts).
>> - there is a page with all the things that have changed:
>> http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/Eigen2ToEigen3.html
>> Common things I had to convert and how I did it:
>> - Transform3d is now Affine3d.
>> - begin() and end() are now head() and tail().
>> - the include is "Eigen/Core.hpp" not "eigen2/Eigen/Core.hpp". The
>> latter only worked because of the standard installation directory for
>> the includes.
>> - It seems that eigen2 was including<iostream>   and eigen3 is not. I had
>> to add a number of iostream includes because of this.
>> The big change for us is that now in base/types/eigen.h we have
>> additional to the base::Vector3d etc types base::Quaterniond and
>> base::Transform3d, which do not need to be aligned and can be used in
>> orogen types. This does not mean that now all the code will work on 32
>> bit, but that it can be made to work. Escpecially envire is still a bit
>> flaky on the 32 bit side as far as I know.
>> Let me know if you have comments or questions.
>> Jakob
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Jakob Schwendner, M.Sc.

DFKI Bremen
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E-Mail: jakob.schwendner at dfki.de

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