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First of all, we partition the task space into topics: SCHEDULING, TRAVELING, ACCOMMODATION and ENTERTAINMENT. For each topic we keep structural information about potential incoming data (so-called blueprints) which is used to complete/assemble the semantic chunks of each new utterance (see 4.3).

Each topic stores information in a frame. This information consists of a focus stack and a storage with accepted suggestions. The focus stack keeps track of the most recently mentioned suggestion. As soon as a suggestion is accepted it is also put to the 'accepted' slot. Topic shifts are recognized by using rules that work on current topic, key-words, dialogue act and extracted content. They are managed by the following algorithm:

this is the first utterance
then take SCHEDULING as new topic
dialogue act is INIT
then determine new topic with key-words and content objects
key-words or content objects indicate other topic than current one
then check evidence
retain current topic

In case of a topic shift the respective focus stack is re-instantiated. This locality of focus has proven useful in the final phases of negotiation dialogues where confirmations for different topics are run through once more like in the following transcript:
so that was Monday the twenty-first at the
check-in counter [SCHEDULING]
I'll do the flight reservations [TRAVELING]
and I will let my secretary take care of the

The respective items (flights, hotel) can be found on the local focus stack of the respective topic frame. The topic shift in B02 is recognized using key-word spotting.

Jan Alexandersson
Thu Nov 11 15:15:06 MET 1999