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Rishu Kumar, B.Tech.

Address (Saarbrücken)


Rishu Kumar; Aiden Williams; Claudia Borg; Simon Ostermann

In: Elizabeth Salesky; Marcello Federico; Marine Carpuat (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024). International Conference on Spoken Language Translation, Bangkok, Thailand (in-person and online), Pages 280-285, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024.

To the publication

Milind Agarwal; Sweta Agrawal; Antonios Anastasopoulos; Luisa Bentivogli; Ondřej Bojar; Claudia Borg; Marine Carpuat; Roldano Cattoni; Mauro Cettolo; Mingda Chen; William Chen; Khalid Choukri; Alexandra Chronopoulou; Anna Currey; Thierry Declerck; Qianqian Dong; Kevin Duh; Yannick Estève; Marcello Federico; Souhir Gahbiche; Barry Haddow; Benjamin Hsu; Phu Mon Htut; Hirofumi Inaguma; Dávid Javorský; John Judge; Yasumasa Kano; Tom Ko; Rishu Kumar; Pengwei Li; Xutai Ma; Prashant Mathur; Evgeny Matusov; Paul McNamee; John P. McCrae; Kenton Murray; Maria Nadejde; Satoshi Nakamura; Matteo Negri; Ha Nguyen; Jan Niehues; Xing Niu; Atul Kr. Ojha; John E. Ortega; Proyag Pal; Juan Pino; Lonneke van der Plas; Peter Polák; Elijah Rippeth; Elizabeth Salesky; Jiatong Shi; Matthias Sperber; Sebastian Stüker; Katsuhito Sudoh; Yun Tang; Brian Thompson; Kevin Tran; Marco Turchi; Alex Waibel; Mingxuan Wang; Shinji Watanabe; Rodolfo Zevallos

In: Elizabeth Salesky; Marcello Federico; Marine Carpuat (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation. International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT-2023), The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, located at ACL, July 9-14, Toronto, ON, Canada, ACL, 2023.

To the publication

Aiden Williams; Kurt Abela; Rishu Kumar; Martin Bär; Hannah Billinghurst; Kurt Micallef; Ahnaf Mozib Samin; Andrea DeMarco; Lonneke van der Plas; Claudia Borg

In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation. International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT-2023), The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, located at ACL, July 14-15, Toronto, ON, Canada, ACL, 2023.

To the publication