Advances in AI for Autonomous Driving

Seminar an der Universität des Saarlandes, Fachrichtung Informatik, LSF 154628


This seminar (AI4AD) is concerned with advances in autonomous driving  research from the perspective of AI. In particular, we will take a  closer look at techniques and systems of AI for autonomous driving with focus on predicting the behavior of pedestrians and vehicles as well as collision-free navigation of self-driving cars in various traffic  scenarios, and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. The selected  approaches are based on deep learning, neuro-explicit and large language models. 

The seminar type is classic in the sense that registered participants will present assigned topics. In addition, there will be two dedicated opponents for each presentation of an assigned topic. Participation in the seminar will be graded; please check the requirements page in this regard.

The seminar counts 7 ECTS credit points (CS).


This seminar aims primarily at advanced bachelor and master students in Computer Science and DSAI. Solid knowledge in AI (ideally, taken introductory courses on AI, ML, genAI, or sufficient knowledge on these areas from other sources) is required. Participants should be very interested in the domain of autonomous driving research and development.  Selected background papers for this seminar are referenced on the topic page and expected to be read and utilized by registered participants as appropriate. Attendance of the seminar without registration (no presentation and certificate) by anyone who is interested in the topics is, of course, very much welcome subject to available space. The seminar language is English.

Date and Location:

The seminar takes place on Wednesday from 16:15 - 18:00.

First session, the seminar introduction meeting with topic assignments is on October 23, 2024, 16:15 - 18:00.

The seminar takes place in-person at  DFKI Saarbrücken, SIC Bldg. D3.2, in room “Turing 2” (NB +2.31). Please ask at  the DFKI reception for direction to room "Turing 2".

Application and Topic Assignment:           

Application for seminars is possible through the central SIC seminar system from  September 10, 2024 to October 16, 2024. Central assignment of students to the seminar will then be done by the system on October 18, 2024.

If you are interested in attending specifically this seminar,  we kindly recommend you to

  • send an request by e-mail to the seminar leader to put you on the list of very interested parties (LIP) as soon as possible - the topic list is already available ! Please indicate your full name, enrollment# and free topics in the order of your preference , AND
  • apply for this seminar in the central SIC seminar system with indication of priority  “High” and top rank , AND
  • attend the introduction meeting of this seminar for topic assignment

Assignment of seminar topics will be done in two phases:

  1. Initial assignment: During seminar introduction meeting on 23.10.2024 (16:15-18:00, DFKI NB R +2.31 “Turing 2”)
  2. Late assignment: If there are still free slots (topics) available after the introduction meeting-  pls  check the Topics page - students can apply for them by sending an e-mail (with your full name, enrollment# and a list of free topics in the order of your preference)  to and decision by the seminar leader. “First-come-first-served” assignment  to students with priority for those on the LIP.

Remark: If you applied for but have not been assigned to the AI4AD seminar by the central SIC seminar system, please note that the assignments issued by this system are formally not binding for any student to take. Besides, it also happens that the system does not assign students to all available places of a seminar such that  places may become re-available after the introduction meeting of the seminar.  The late assignment of interested students to these places then will be done by the seminar organizers on request on a first-come-first-served basis with  priority for students on the LIP (see above).