
MATE Deliverable D1.1

Supported Coding Schemes

(Delft University of Technology)

Coding book:
Authors: R.J. van Vark, J.P.M. de Vreught, L.J.M. Rothkrantz
Title: Analysing OVR dialogue coding scheme 1.0; Report 96-137

Number of annotators:
3 (all computer scientists)

Number of annotated dialogues:
about 500 (in Dutch), with 12000 turns and 16000 segments

Evaluations of scheme:

No k -evaluations are published. But the scheme has been used in the VIOS system for dialogues concerning public transport services in the Netlands. Miscommunication between the system and its client occurred in 23% of the dialogues.

Underlying task:
The scheme was designed within the domain of information retrieving about the services offered by the Dutch public transport.

List of phenomena annotated:

2:  goedemorgen reisinformatie
(good morning travel information)
1:  goedemorgen [achternaam] kunt u mij zeggen hoe laat de[uh] bus van Lochem naar Deventer toe gaat
(good morning [last name] can you tell me what time the[uh] bus departs from Lochem to Deventer)
Gre(G,[Per(Nam])],[]), Que(Q,[Tt([DaS([Unspecified])]),RI([TrT([Bus_Traum(0)])]),Loc([DeP([City(1)]), ArP([City(2)])])],[])
2:  hoe laat ongeveer zou u mee willen 
(how late approximately would you like to go)
1:  [uh] rond een uur of negen 
([uh] about nine o'clock)
2:  oke
2:  negen uur twee mevrouw buslijn zesenvijftig
(two past nine madam bus line fifty- six)
Sta(I,[Tm([DeT([Exact(4)])]), RI([TrT([Bus_Tram(5)])])],[])
1:  oke dank u wel
(ok thank you)
2:  tot uw dienst 
(at your service)
1:  ja hoor dag 
(yes fine bye)
2:  goodemorgen 
(good morning)

Mark-up language:
The dialogue acts are Prolog terms with some extra punctuation marks for making list of dialogue acts and to mark which agent was talking.

Existence of annotation tool:
OVR coder:

Used in VIOS, the ASP (Automated Speech Processing) prototype of OVR (Openbaar Vervoer Reiseinformatie, Public Transport Travel Information).

Contact person:
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (L.J.M.Rothkrantz@cs.tudelft.nl)

Last ModificationL 27.8.1998  by Marion Klein